首页> 中文期刊> 《雷达科学与技术》 >X波段双极化收/发组件优化设计




In this paper, the design and optimization of an'X-band dual polarization T/R module suitable for SAR application is presented. The T/R module operates in time-sharing transmit mode and simultaneous receive mode respectively. In this work, several key aspects were optimized, including topology structure, polarization-isolation and function integration. For example, low temperature co-fired ceramic(LTCC) technology was used to improve the integration level. The calibration network, including couplers and two-to-one combiners, were integrated inside the transceiver to simplify the power distribution network in the system. Experimental results for the optimized transceiver demonstrate a better than 35 dB polarization-isolation, which resolves the problem in traditional design.%介绍了一种X波段双极化收/发组件的优化设计过程.通过对组件的拓扑结构、极化隔离度、功能集成度等方面进行优化,设计出一种双极化收/发组件.该组件工作于X波段,具备发射分时、接收同时双极化工作能力;组件设计中采用了低温共烧陶瓷微波基板,提高了组件集成度;组件内部集成了定标耦合器及定标二合一合成网络,简化了系统应用中的阵面馈电;通过优化设计使组件实现了35 dB以上的极化隔离度,解决了传统设计中该指标实现上的难题.



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