首页> 中文期刊> 《齐鲁学刊》 >略论文学史视野中的罗门现代诗创作




Luo Men is the important poet of Taiwan modern poetry and the whole contemporary Chinese poetry,his modern poetry creation course have spanned more than half a century.Luo Men’s modern poetry creation have gone through three sta-ges:the imitation period of romanticism poem style in early;the formation and curing period of modern doctrine poem style in middle;the attempt to beyond the‘Stage of Comprehensive Creation’of modernism in late.His creation have had a increasingly widespread influence in Taiwan and mainland China.But in the strictly sense,his outstanding achievement in modern urban po-ems and war poems is exactly the reason which can establish Luo Men’s unique and important position of literary history in Taiwan and the contemporary Chinese poetry.%罗门是台湾现代诗坛及整个当代华语诗坛的重要诗人。罗门的现代诗创作经历了早期的浪漫主义诗风模仿期、中期的现代主义诗风形成与固化期、晚期的试图超越现代主义诗风的“综合性创造期”三个阶段。罗门的诗在台湾及大陆诗坛产生了日益广泛的影响,真正确立罗门在台湾现代诗坛乃至整个当代华语诗坛独特的文学史地位的,还归功于他在现代都市诗与战争诗创作领域的突出建树。



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