首页> 中文期刊> 《现代科学仪器》 >钨舟铅镉元素分析仪与石墨炉原子吸收分光光度计测定血铅方法的比较




通过对钨舟铅镉元素分析仪与石墨炉原子吸收分光光度计测定血铅方法的比较,为检测机构选择检测方法提供参考依据。应用两种方法分别对血铅测定进行方法的精密度、检出限、定量下限试验,对76件人血样品进行测定,测定结果进行相关性分析。两种方法测定血铅均有较高的灵敏度、较好的准确性及精密度。两种方法的相对标准偏差(RSD)均小于7%;钨舟原子吸收光谱法的检出限(3×SD)为0.6μg/L,定量限(10×SD)为1.9μg/L;石墨炉原子吸收光谱法的检出限(3×SD)为0.5μg/L,定量限(10×SD)为1.6μg/L。对4种不同浓度水平的标准物质:美国NIST标准物质山羊血955C(955C2、955C3、955C4)和国家标准物质牛血铅(GBW09154)测定,测定值均在标准值范围内,两种方法对76件人血样品血铅检测的结果经t检验无显著性差异。两种测定血铅的方法均符合方法学要求,检验结果呈高度相关,均适用于血铅的测定。%To Compare and evaluate Tungsten-Boat PbCd Analyser with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry(GF-AAS) for blood lead analysis,the precision,detection limit and lower limit of quantization of Tungsten-Boat PbCd Analyser and GF-AAS were detected and compared.The blood lead level of 76 samples was determined by both Tungsten-Boat PbCd Analyser and GF-AAS,and the correlation of the two methods was analyzed.The determination of blood lead with both Tungsten-Boat PbCd Analyser and GF-AAS was good at precision,sensitivity and accuracy.The RSD is less than 7% for 4 different concentrations of blood lead.The detection limit and quantification limit of TungstenBoat PbCd Analyser is 0.6μg/L and 1.9μg/L,respectively.The detection limit and quantification limit of GF-AAS is 0.5μg/ L and 1.6μg/L,respectively.The concentrations of American NIST Reference Material(Goat blood 955C) and Chinese Reference Material(Cow blood GBW09154) with 4 different dilutions which determined by the two methods were within the range of the standard value.According to our results,there are no significant differences between Tungsten-Boat PbCd Analyser and GF-AAS.Both Tungsten-Boat PbCd Analyser and GF-AAS are consistent with the methodological requirement,The results of blood samples are in high correlation,and are adaptable for blood lead detection.



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