首页> 中文期刊> 《浙江工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 >高校学报特色化发展路径探讨




University journals are academic periodicals with distinctive Chinese characteristics .For a long time , homogenization has been one of the notorious features of university journals .The issue of characterized development of university journals arises accordingly .The aspects of journal devel-opment with characteristic can be manifested through the establishment of value criteria ,column set-ting,editorial style,as well as the consideration of time dimension , etc.The characterized construc-tion of university journals can advance the academic research and the dissemination of research find -ings, as well as speed up the disciplinary development process with better service to the society . However , there still exist a couple of problems in the characterized development of university jour-nal , such as improper column design with vague characteristic , lacking of high-quality submissions due to the poor promotion , in short of disciplinary support which leads to the decline of journal qual-ity, and the high cost of calling for papers which seriously affects the timely publication of the jour -nals.The efforts of advancing characterized development of university journals might be put on the column specialization , invlting more authors , professional editing with diversified formats , as well as institutionalized logistic support , etc.%高校学报是具有中国特色的学术期刊。长期以来,高校学报“趋同化”现象严重。在此背景下,高校学报特色化发展被提上日程。高校学报的特色化具体表现在学术标准、选稿方向、编辑风格和时间维度等四个方面。高校学报的特色化发展,可以推动学术研究的创新发展和学术成果的有效传播,推动学科建设的进程和服务社会功能的发挥。当前高校学报特色化发展面临一系列问题,如栏目策划失当,特色不够鲜明;囿于封闭办刊,优秀稿源不足;缺乏学科支撑,质量难以保证;组稿成本过高,影响正常办刊等。推进高校学报特色化发展宜从栏目专题化、作者开放化、编辑专业化、形式多样化、保障制度化等五个方面着力。



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