首页> 中文期刊>浙江理工大学学报(社会科学版) >发展话语的定位与差异——基于北欧与中国的比较




The longitudinal dimension and horizontal dimension of development determine the position of development discourse in the development discourse system of the world.China's development discourse belongs to the development discourse of developing countries in the process of modernization.The Nordic development discourse belongs to the development discourse of developed western countries in the post-modernization stage.The two development discourses also contain substantive concerns about equality.However, from the point of views such as the historical institutional background, the subject cognition in the development process and subject participation as well as the logic interpretation of individual poverty, the differences between the two development discourses cannot be ignored.This also determines the uniqueness of the two development discourses and their position in the world.The discrepancy of the two development discourses and the study on their mutuality can play an arousing role on the scientific summary and expression of Chinese development discourse.%发展的纵向维度和横向维度,决定了发展话语在世界发展话语体系中的定位.中国发展话语属于现代化进程中的、发展中国家的发展话语,北欧的发展话语则属于后现代化阶段的、发达西方国家的发展话语.两种发展话语又蕴含了对平等问题的实质关注.但是,从历史制度背景、发展中的主体认知和主体参与度、个体贫穷的解释逻辑等方面来看,两种发展话语又存在不可忽视的差异性.这也决定了两种发展话语的独特性,以及在世界发展话语体系中的地位.两种发展话语的区别和互鉴性的研究,对于中国发展话语的科学总结和表达具有启示作用.



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