首页> 中文期刊>宜宾学院学报 >重绘人类解放新议程--论德勒兹对马克思主义的批判性建构




德勒兹通过“精神分裂症”批判当代资本主义对人的深层控制,以及可能给人类带来的毁灭。他用“块茎”理论拆解作为资本主义意识形态的“树状思维”模式,用“解辖域化”鼓吹革命性、解放性和颠覆性,释放对资本主义具有威胁的精神分裂者、块茎、游牧者等后现代主体的能动性,建构能够让“游牧者”自由驰骋的“千高原”,重绘人类解放新议程。德勒兹用后现代理论解构马克思主义,又通过批判重新回到马克思主义。他对马克思主义的批判性建构对创建具有中国特色的马克思主义哲学体系具有重要的参考价值。%Using the method of schizophrenia, Deleuze criticizes the deep control upon human beings ren-dered by contemporary capitalism as well as the possible destruction it will bring to human beings.He uses the theory of rhizome to dismantle the tree structure of capitalism’ s ideology, applies deterritorialize theory to boast revolution, liberation and subversiveness, and releases the initiative of the postmodern subjects such as the schizophreniac, the rhizome, and the nomad, who may pose a threat to capitalism.Deleuze recon-structs the new agenda of human liberation by constructing a Thousand Plateau where the nomad can gallop. Deleuze deconstructs Marxism by means of postmodernism and returns to Marxism through criticizing, which plays an essential reference role in establishing Marxism philosophy system with Chinese characteristics.



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