首页> 中文期刊>武汉船舶职业技术学院学报 >中国传统文化对现代法制教育之影响探究




In any form of society,each activity are under the constraints of the national culture,and legal education is with no exception.This paper studies the impact of Chinese traditional cultureon modern legal education from two major aspects: First,the "morality guiding and punishment supplementing" tradition has made legal education become a vassal of moralizing;Second,traditional Chinese culture emphasizes interpersonal harmony,focusing on the negative value of the law,without the cultivation of legal faith.This paper finally proposes that modern legal education goal and direction should be to cultivate the citizens' faith in law both in value and ideal system,with the transmission of power culture from the traditional society to modern civilization being the subject of modern legal education.%传统文化对现代法制教育的影响有两个大的方面:其一,中国"德主刑辅"的传统文化,使法律工具化,法律教育成为道德说教的附庸:其二,.中国传统文化注追求人际和谐,教育侧重法律的否定价值,而无法律信仰的培育。现代法制教育的目标和方向应当是培育公民信仰法律的价值观念和思维方式,从传统社会的权力文化向现代文明的权利文化的转换是法制教育的主题。



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