首页> 中文期刊> 《铜仁学院学报》 >陶渊明与中国古代精卫诗及其悲剧精神




The mythical story of bird Jingwei trying to fill up the sea with pebbles always expresses tragic spirit and poetic beauty by poets of various dynasties. Tao Yuanming is the first man who revealed the tragic spirit of Jingwei. Fan Yun and Yu Xin showed the Jingwei’s sincerity and persistence in their poems. The unspecialized Jingwei poems in the Northern and Southern dynasties flourished in Tang, Song ,Yuan and Ming dynasties, in which the works of Cen Shen, Han Yu and Wang Anshi were masterpieces. The struggling spirit of Jingwei aroused sympathy in the adherents of Ming Dynasty that had been overthrown, which helped the produce of excellent touching works with affecting rhythm, for example, Gu Yanwu’s Jingwei. Fighting against unfortunate fate and holding compassion and poetic hope is valuable spiritual wealth that the myth and poems of Jingwei leave for us.%精卫填海的神话通过历代诗人一直传递着悲剧的精神和诗意的美丽。陶渊明是精卫悲剧精神的第一位揭示者,范云、庾信的诗作在用精卫之典时显示了赤诚执着的精神。南北朝时期不见专门的精卫诗,唐宋元明时期出现了意蕴纷呈、情韵多姿的精卫诗,岑参、韩愈和王安石等人的作品可为代表。精卫的抗争精神在国破家亡的明遗民那儿得到前所未有的普遍共鸣,产生了顾炎武《精卫》等诸多情韵俱佳、动人心魄的优秀作品。在不幸的命运前敢于抗争、始终保持悲悯的情怀与诗意的憧憬是精卫神话和诗歌留给我们的宝贵精神财富。



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