首页> 中文期刊>山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >侠义复仇精神从史传到小说的嬗变--以《史记》、《聊斋志异》为例




《史记》乃“发愤之作”,《聊斋志异》也是一部公认的“孤愤之书”,仅以讴歌游侠复仇精神的作品而论,他们的创作精神是一以贯之的。蒲松龄继承和发扬了司马迁为游侠张目、赞赏复仇的创作精神,同时又有自身的特点。《史记》中的侠客虽以布衣身份行侠,但他们的名气和声望却不亚于达官显贵,产生的社会影响极广,体现了《史记》作为正史宏大的叙事立场;而《聊斋志异》作为志怪小说,蒲松龄取材的渠道多为“野叟曝言”,其笔下的侠客多是独行侠,往往依靠个人力量去扶弱济困,并且在行侠过程中体现了浓厚的因果报应思想;从行为的主体来看,《聊斋志异》与《史记》中行侠仗义、除暴安良者都是男性不同,蒲松龄塑造了不少光彩照人的女侠,她们用女性特有的方式完成仗义之举,有高度的自我牺牲精神;《史记·刺客列传》中的复仇,或为知交,或为国家,而《聊斋志异》的复仇多是报私仇,复仇的方式也迥异于《史记》,虽然看起来不够宏大,但他们反暴政、反强权、反邪恶的精神同样感天地、泣鬼神。%Records of the Historian is a book written with rage and Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio is acknowledged as a book written with rage and loneliness ,too .They are similar to each other in the praise of revenge .Pu Songling has his ow n features w hile developing the same spirit of Sima Qian .Paladins in Records of the Historian are regarded by others as person of honor ,but they are lone ranger in Pu Songling's book and always help the poor people by themselves .It is obvious that Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio expresses the concept of Karma .In addition ,Pu Songling created many notable female characters that are endowed with the spirit of self sacrifice .Revenges in Records of the Historian are all for friends or countries while it is different in Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio .Most of the revenges in Pu's are personal ,but the struggle against despotism , pow er and evil is still very touching .



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