首页> 中文期刊> 《宁波大学学报(教育科学版)》 >中美不同时代大学生性别角色量表选词变化及性别角色观的嬗变




This study cross-culturally compared and analyzed vocabularies in Bem’s Sex Role Inventory (BSRI), Chinese Sex Roles Inventory (CSRI) and Chinese Sex Role Inventory-50 (CSRI-50). It is found that the common items in the masculine subscale may represent the common concept of masculinity in the western and eastern culture while some individualism-embodied masculine traits are only included in BSRI that are excluded in the two Chinese scales. The two sets of masculine traits may respectively represent unique understanding of masculinity in both cultures. The vocabulary concerning feminine traits are included in all the three scales, and feminine traits of“obedience”and“gentility”in CSRI are no longer included in CSRI-50, which may imply that the traditional influence on Chinese women has decreased. Finally, for items in the neutral subscale, the feminine item “cheerful” in BSRI and the masculine word “gregarious” in CSRI are ascribed to the neutral subscale in CSRI-50, which may indicate that the boundary between femininity and masculinity is not as rigid as before for Chinese people.%  比较CSRI-50、BSRI以及CSRI三个性别角色量表中的词汇,发现男性化词汇体现出中西方在男性特质要求上的共性,而BSRI的男性化量表包含的体现强烈个人主义特质的词汇,中国的两个量表却没有,这反映出两种文化背景下男性性别角色观的差异;女性化词汇方面,三个量表均反映出大学生对女性特质的观点趋于一致与传统。但与 BSRI 比较,“勤俭心细”维度体现出东方文化对女性的不同期待;与10年前的CSRI相比,CSRI-50缺少了“守本分的”“安分的”“娴淑的”等特质,体现了社会进步对女性束缚的减少。而CSRI-50的中性化量表增加了“谦虚、孝顺”的特质,反映了中国传统儒家文化价值观的回归;另外,BSRI和CSRI中某些男性化和女性化词汇被归为中性化。总之,我国当代大学生性别角色观一方面表现为对传统性别角色仍趋于认同;另一方面,两性性别角色界限淡化,性别平等意识日益增强。



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