首页> 中文期刊> 《嘉兴学院学报》 >大学生专业选择的现状分析与招生制度改革研究--以中医药院校为视角




Based on the situation of college students‘major selection and relevant policies,this paper analyzes the problems of the college enrollment system and their influence on the students of Chinese medical colleges,and puts forward reform proposals.According to the research,students are mainly influenced by others and the major itself in their major selection.Generally,they are not satisfied with their majors,which is more serious for those not majoring in medicine.Now the main problems in the enrollment system of most universities are too simple measure standards, too many accidental factors, too few opportunities of maj or section, and unfair enrollment plan distribution.It is necessary to reform the quota allocation of the college enrollment,improve the connection of Chinese medical colleges and high schools,expand the right of mutual selection of colleges and students,and implement the enrollment system based on the comprehensive evaluation.%通过对中医药院校大学生专业选择现状和专业选择政策情况的调查,分析了目前招生制度存在的普遍性问题和对中医药院校大学生的影响,提出了相应的改革建议。从调查结果看,影响大学生专业选择的首要因素是他人意见,其次是专业因素。学生对就读专业的满意度总体不高,尤其是非医药专业的学生,就读专业与志愿一致性明显偏低,高校招生录取专业调剂制度带来的专业不适应问题较为突出。目前,国内大部分省份的中医药院校采用平行志愿录取选择专业,以自主招生、“三位一体”招生和高水平运动员等特殊类型招生为补充,并出台了在校学生转专业政策。但这些政策存在的普遍性问题是衡量标准过于单一,偶然性因素缺乏规避,考生的专业选择权过小,招生计划分配体制不够公平。因此,需要改革高校招生计划分配机制,加大中医药院校与高中的衔接力度,扩大学校与考生的双向选择权,推进综合评价选拔。



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