首页> 中文期刊>湖北第二师范学院学报 >叙事:《萤窗异草》对《聊斋》的承袭与发展




Yingchuang Yicao ( Strange Herbs Picked Up at Firefly-Lit Window) is always regarded as a copy of Liaozhai Zhiyi ( The Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio). The former uses many narrative techniques to create complicated stories while inheriting latter' s theme and language. This article analyzes the narrative pattern, narrative time and narrative structure of Yingchuang Yicao from the aspect of narratology, making a comparative research with Liaozhai Zhiyi. It is fi- nally concluded that Chang Bai Hao Ge Zi had made a new creation in narrative skills which not only reflected the new development of the novel narrative in the Oinz dynasty, but also encourtmed the narrative skills of Chinese novels.%《萤窗异草》历来被认为是一部仿《聊斋》之作,它承袭《聊斋》的题材、语言等,但又有意识地运用多种叙事技巧,从而创作出更为曲折的故事。本文从叙事学的角度考察《萤窗异草》的叙事程式、叙事时间与叙事结构,将之与《聊斋》对比,认为长白浩歌子在叙事手法上有所创新,体现了清代小说叙事在模仿之中追求创新与发展的努力,也推进了中国小说的叙事技巧。



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