首页> 中文期刊>红河学院学报 >《老子》'为学者日益,闻道者日损'辨析




Combining with historical and theoretical background ,basing on the analysis of the text of the Lao-tzu, this essay makes a corrective debate on some incorrect explanations of Lao-tzu' Proverb that "To learn Nature daily, To study Tao gradually", pointing out that this thinking of Lao-tzu' Proverb is a great integration to China's ancient teaching theory of focusing on morals and intelligence, and the original meaning of "To learn Nature daily, To study Tao gradually" is that A learner should obtain the knowledge of Tao and awaken the wisdom of Tao while reducing his desires daily.%结合历史及学理背景,在文本分析的基础上,以"老"证"老",就学者对《老子》"为学者日益,闻道者日损"之教学(世)思想所做的不确之解进行了辨析,指出"为学者日益,闻道者日损"是中国古代德智并重教学(世)思想的集大成之论,其本义是指:修习自然之道要日有所渐,涵养自然之德应日减私欲.



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