首页> 中文期刊> 《吉林中医药》 >牛建昭教授治疗青春期多囊卵巢综合征




牛建昭教授认为青春期多囊卵巢综合征的病因主要以肾虚为本,导致气血失调,同时以寒邪痰湿气滞血瘀为标,确立了补肾益精,气血同调,分型治标的治疗大法.强调在治疗过程中补肾之阴阳同时调后天之气血,进而达到阴阳并补,气血兼顾,标本同治的效果.除此之外,牛教授还根据青春期女性生理周期调经促排卵:月经期调经止痛,卵泡期滋补肾阴,排卵期调理气血促进排卵,黄体期温补肾阳,疏肝理气.在此基础上根据患者个体差异随症加减,临床疗效显著.%Professor NIU Jianzhao argues that the pathogenesis of adolescent polycystic ovary syndrome is kidney deficiency, which leads to disorder of qi and blood. While the cold-evil, phlegm and qi-blood stasis are extrinsic factors. The basic treatment of supplementing kidney and nouring essence, satisfying qi and blood and syndrome diffrentiation was established by Professor NIU. She stresses that tonifying kidney yin and yang and regulating qi and blood should be treated simultaneously. Therefore the benefits of supplying yin and yang, regulating qi and blood as well as treating the basic and inessential aspects will be achieved. In addition, according to the adolescent female physiology, Professor NIU found a method to regulate menstruation and promote ovulation: regulate menstruation and arrest pain in menstrual period, nourish kidney yin in follicular phase, regulate qi and blood to promote ovulate, warm kidney yang and relieve qi stagnancy in luteal phase. On this basis, according to the individual differences in patients, change the dosage of herbs, the clinical curative effects will be remarkable.



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