首页> 中文期刊> 《中华医史杂志》 >《太平圣恵方》与宋代社会



《太平圣惠方》是太平兴国三年至淳化三年(978-992)由宋太宗下诏编修的宋代第一部医学方书著作,在宋代社会得到普遍应用和传播,被宋人称为"国朝第一方书".其方剂学理论、实用药方与临床实践,在宋代中医药发展史上有着极其重要的意义.《太平圣惠方》在流传过程中出现了国子监正本、国子监小字本、崇文院简要本、转运司新刻本和地方节选本等不同的版本,适应了宋代社会各方面的需要.宋代皇帝、地方官员、医学家、儒家士大夫、外交使节等不同阶层对《太平圣惠方》的介绍、传播与推广,奠定了《太平圣惠方》在宋代医学发展中的独特地位.政府的参与和雕版印刷术的引人,使国家"仁政"思想和权威统治进一步向更广、更深层次领域延伸,其实用药方成为政府各级官员和医学家等防治疾病、打击巫术、维护地方治安、宣扬政绩的有力工具.%Tai ping sheng hui fang, the first medical formulary of the Song Dynasty, compiled from the 3rd year of Taiping - xingguo reign to the 3rd year of Chunhua reign (978 ~ 992) , under the edict of the Taizong Emperor, was popularly applied and extensively circulated and called "the first formulary of the Dynasty". It is extremely significant in the medical history of the Song Dynasty due to its theory of prescription art, practical prescriptions and clinical practice. During the process of its circulation, different versions appeared, including the Guozijian Orthodox Version, Guozijian Small - character Version, Chongwen Hall Abridged Version, Newly Carved Version of Zhuanyunsi, and the Local Abridged Version, thus adapting to the demands of various walks of life in the society. Its unique role in the development of the Song society was founded by its introduction, application and popularization by the emperors, local officials, medical scholars, diplomatic envoys, and intellectuals. The "kind administration" of the authority and the government was further greatly facilitated by the involvement of the government and the introduction of printing. Its practical prescriptions became forceful tools to prevent and treat diseases, to conquer witchcraft, to protect local social security, and to pronounce the merits of officials and physicians at all levels.



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