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List of Figures and Tables


Chapter 1:International Political Economy (IPE)

1.1 Power and wealth

1.2 International cooperation in political economy

1.3 The role of institutions

1.4 International economic integration

1.4.1 Regional economic integration

1.5 International trading structure

1.5.1 Free Trade in IPE

1.6 Economies in transition

Chapter 2:China,Russia and the US:Security Strategy in Central Asia

2.1 The US in Central Asia

2.2 Russia’s interests and chances in Central Asia

2.3 China’s foreign policy in Central Asia

2.4 Cooperation of China and Russia in Central Asian region

2.4.1 Chinese approach to the creation of the SCO

2.4.2 Russian approach to the creation of the SCO

2.4.3 Russian-Chinese interaction within the SCO framework

2.4.4 Kazakhstan and other Central Asian governments in SCO

Chapter 3:Russia’s vision of Eurasian Integration and New Silk Road initiatives of the US and China in Central Asian region

3.1 Project of Eurasian Integration

3.1.1 Kazakhstan in Customs Union

3.2 Perception and Assessment of the Eurasian Integration

3.2.1 What is Eurasian Union for Washington

3.2.2 China and Eurasian Union

3.3 The US New Silk Road Strategy

3.4 China’s way:New Silk Road economic belt

3.4.1 Efforts of China to integrate into Central Asian region

3.4.2 Challenges for China in the way of practical implementation of the “New Silk Road economic belt’’ concept

Chapter 4:Interaction between Security and Political Economy in Central Asia





After the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, China and Russia acted largely on the basis of shared interests in Central Asia.Both of them looked to maintain regional stability and successful management of their interests in Central Asia, whose energy resources are vital for both of them.Thus, in general, we could say that in the early years following the end of the Cold War, the Central Asian states once acted as a unifying element in Chinese-Russian relations.However, the disintegration of the Soviet Union has caused a number of serious challenges for Russia in subsequent years and as Russia has struggled, it has created more opportunities in Central Asia for China, which China has not failed to take advantage of.Now China is increasing its economic presence and has the potential to supplant Russia as the main consumer of energy exports from the region.China's recent proposal of building a New Silk Road economic belt, a huge project linking China to Europe through Central Asia, is another strategy to enhance China's influence in Central Asia.Of course, if Russia is successful in the development of its Customs Union and Eurasian Economic Union in the near future, it can slow down China's economic access to Central Asia.Central Asia then, which once served as a unifying element in China-Russia relations, has the potential to become a divisive factor in Chinese-Russian relations, leaving open the question as to whether Central Asian states will move closer to Russia or China-led projects in the near future.
  Another active player in Central Asia after the collapse of the USSR was the United States.The US, with its New Silk Road initiative, aimed to provide economic boost for Afghanistan as well as other Central Asian republics.However,under the increasing power and influence of China and Russia in the region, the US is gradually losing its positions in the Central Asian region.Moreover, it is clear that after the US troop's withdrawal from Afghanistan, White House will face challenges in implementing its



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