
Construction in post-war Siberia: Participation of German and Japan prisoners of War




The most important attribute of the existence of the totalitarian regime in the USSR was the repressive policy that influenced almost all spheres of life of Soviet society.The GULAG and GUPVI CAMPS,which spread throughout the country and absorbed millions of innocent human victims,became an integral part of the Soviet repressions.Siberia,which became a place of hard labor and exile in tsarist times,became in Soviet times a huge concentration camp for both Soviet citizens and foreigners.Why Siberia? There are several explanations for this: the extremely harsh climate of the region,which together with hard work had tore-educatethe lost;huge deserted spaces that had to be mastered;large construction sites,for example,BAM,which is very profitable to use slave,almost free labor of prisoners or prisoners of war.
机译:苏联的极权主义政权存在的最重要的属性是影响苏维埃社会的几乎所有领域的镇压政策。古拉格和古普维阵营,遍布全国各地,吸收了数百万无辜的人类受害者,成为了一个 苏联镇压的组成部分。西伯利亚在沙皇时代成为艰苦劳动和流亡的地方,在苏维埃公民和外国人苏维埃阵营。为什么西伯利亚? 有几个解释:该地区的极其恶劣的气氛,与努力工作的气候有关“重新教育”丢失;必须掌握的巨大荒凉的空间;大型建筑工地,例如BAM, 这是使用奴隶,几乎自由劳动的囚犯或战俘的最有利可图。



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