首页> 外文会议>IAF Symposium on Integrated Applications;International Astronautical Congress >Highly responsive space and ground systems: new opportunities for disasters management

Highly responsive space and ground systems: new opportunities for disasters management




This paper analyses the feasibility of innovative space-based systems supporting the prevention and management of disasters, focusing on early warning, alert and emergency response. The new space systems (current ones or planned in a near future), based on small and large constellations, high performance communication links and powerful ground segments, enable high resolution, low latency and real time applications. They can be key components of integrated applications for risks and disasters management and could drastically improve the performance of emergency response services and their use in the most critical part of the crisis cycle. After a presentation of the state of the art in emergency response and early warning, the second part of the paper reviews the new trends in space systems, technologies and innovative applications: - The evolution of Earth observation, communication and navigation satellites with small and large constellations, with high revisit or low latency solutions. - The availability of operational missions with new sensors (e.g. ionosphere monitoring, meteorology, machine to machine, etc.) - The development of new services based on massive data analytics (big data) and artificial intelligence (e.g. machine learning). Third part presents the recent research work on the potential use of GNSS-TEC and airglow cameras: they could improve the tsunami warning systems by introducing ionospheric observations as new way to estimate the tsunami risk. Based on these trends and results, we discuss new opportunities triggered by these developments focusing on early warning and alert and emergency response. Our perspective is the feasibility of new integrated applications, combining Earth Observation, meteorology, navigation and communications, applied to disaster management, from tasking and data acquisition to transmission of information to warning centres and decision makers. The importance of the ground systems and the integration with non-space data a
机译:本文分析了支持预防和管理灾害的创新空间系统的可行性,重点是预警,警报和应急响应。新的空间系统(当前或在不久的将来计划的),基于小型和大的星座,高性能通信链路和强大的地段,实现高分辨率,低延迟和实时应用。它们可以成为风险和灾害管理综合应用的关键组成部分,并且可以大大提高应急响应服务的表现及其在危机周期最关键的部分中的使用。经过应急响应和预警技术的介绍后,该文件的第二部分审查了空间系统,技术和创新应用的新趋势: - 地球观测,通信和导航卫星的演变,小而大星座,具有高revisit或低延迟解决方案。 - 具有新传感器的操作任务的可用性(例如,电离层监测,气象,机器到机器等) - 基于大规模数据分析(大数据)和人工智能(例如机器学习)的新服务的开发。第三部分介绍了最近关于潜在使用GNSS-TEC和FIRGLOW相机的研究工作:它们可以通过将电离层观察作为估算海啸风险的新方法来改善海啸预警系统。根据这些趋势和结果,我们讨论了这些发展引发的新机会,重点是预警和警报和应急响应。我们的观点是新综合应用的可行性,将地球观测,气象,导航和通信组合在灾害管理中,从任务和数据获取到向警告中心和决策者传输信息。地面系统的重要性和与非空间数据的集成



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