
Web Analytics for User Experience: A Systematic Literature Review




User experience is an essential software quality concept for companies nowadays. Development teams attempt to guarantee that their digital products provide a satisfying experience. Likewise, several evaluation methods have emerged to determine if the software product's interfaces are understandable, intuitive, and attractive to users. However, few of these methods suggest the use of data analytics for user experience evaluation. Many companies use tools that allow them to obtain multiple data about using their leading websites but do not use this information to generate relevant results that can be used to improve the design of their graphical interfaces. In this study, we present the results of conducting a systematic literature review to identify case studies that report web analytics usage to evaluate websites' user experience. The search retrieved a total of 315 papers. The databases used for this review were: Scopus. Web of Science, IEEExplore, and ACM Digital Library. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 18 relevant articles were obtained, which have allowed answering the research questions. The results show a tendency to incorporate data analysis to explain specific design problems or usability issues. Additionally, we have identified some methodological proposals that have been established on how to use data analytics for the user experience evaluation process and some metrics that could offer relevant information about the degree of ease of use of a website.



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