首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Culture, Education and Economic Development of Modern Society >Analysis of College English Education Based on Practical Training

Analysis of College English Education Based on Practical Training




The most important thing in college English education is language teaching. Teachers need to improve students English application ability through language teaching. College English education under practical talent training mode should be more into language teaching and improve the English application ability. In recent years, China's economy has developed rapidly. There is a certain contradiction between the needs of college graduates' English level and their actual English application ability, which is mainly reflected in the contradiction between the mastery of English language knowledge and their application and also the contradiction between the English language ability and the corresponding job demand.
机译:大学英语教育中最重要的是语言教学。 教师需要通过语言教学提高学生英语应用能力。 实际人才培训模式下的大学英语教育应更加融入语言教学,提高英语应用能力。 近年来,中国经济发展迅速。 大学毕业生英语水平的需求与他们的实际英语应用能力之间存在一定的矛盾,主要反映在英语语言知识掌握与其应用之间的矛盾中,以及英语语言能力与相应的矛盾 工作需求。



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