首页> 外文会议>American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics >Characterization and Quantitation of Capsaicinoids and Related Pungent Agents in Chili Peppers and Hot Sauces by LC/MS/MS

Characterization and Quantitation of Capsaicinoids and Related Pungent Agents in Chili Peppers and Hot Sauces by LC/MS/MS

机译:辣椒辣椒和辣椒辣椒和HOT SOUSE的辣椒素和相关刺激剂的表征及定量



Capsaicin is an amide derived from vanillylamine and a fatty acid and are responsible for the pungency of chili peppers. These compounds were extracted from chili peppers and hot sauces and analyzed by a triple quadruple MS system. The MS/MS spectrum of capsaicin indicated a major fragment at 136.9 m/z. using this fragment in the precursor-scan mode; five capsaicin related compounds were identified in chili extract and hot sauces. In order of elution in the chromatograms these compounds are: (1) Nordihydrocapsaicin 294.2 m/z, (2) Capsaicin, 306.2 m/z, (3,4) Dihydrocapsaicin 308.2 m/z (appearing as two peaks) and (5) Homodihydrocapsaicin 322.2 m/z. Several other isobaric species eluting much earlier were precluded after comparison of their MS/MS spectra. Capsaicin had the highest concentration of all species in various matrices followed by dihydrocapsaicin. The Cayenne hot sauce and Thai chili pepper contain the largest precursor concentration of nordihydrocapsaicin. The precursor scan of chili pepper hot sauces are shown in figure 1 below.
机译:辣椒素是衍生自Vanillylamine和脂肪酸的酰胺,并负责辣椒的血症。这些化合物从辣椒和热酱中萃取,并通过三重四重MS系统进行分析。辣椒素的MS / MS谱表示136.9 m / z的主要片段。在前体扫描模式下使用此片段;在辣椒提取物和热调味果中鉴定了五种辣椒素相关化合物。在色谱图中洗脱的顺序这些化合物是:(1)Nordihydrocapsaicin 294.2 m / z,(2)辣椒,306.2m / z,(3,4)二氢胶囊308.2m / z(出现为两个峰)和(5)同型Homodihydrapsaicin 322.2 m / z。在对其MS / MS光谱比较后,几种其他另外的种植物种被淘汰。辣椒素具有各种基质中的所有物种的最高浓度,然后是二氢淀粉蛋白。 Cayenne Hot Sauce和Thai Chili Pepper含有最大的Nordihydracacacin前体浓度。辣椒热酱的前体扫描如下图1所示。



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