
New Magnetosphere for the e Earth In Future




All of us know the earth magnetic field come to be less and this problem can be a serious problem in future but now we find other problems that can destroy our planet life or in minimum state can damage it such as FTE theory, solar activities, reversing magnetic poles, increasing speed of reversing that last reverse, reducing magnetic strength, etc. All of these will be factor for increasing the solar energy that hit to the Earth and perhaps changing in our life and conditions of the Earth. In this paper, I try to show a way to against to these problems and reduce their damages to the Earth. This way is building a system that produce a new magnetic field that will be in one way with old magnetic field this system will construe by superconductors and a metal that is not dipole. This paper explain all the problems in addition to the way of repair their damages on the Earth and show the suitable shape of system that can help us for future programs.



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