
Herbs for Ruminants




Ruminants are very efficient herbivores. Their system is uniquely designed to maximally utilize the plant material they consume. Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine has a sophisticated herbal tradition in the treatment of animals that has been recorded since the Shang Dynasty (1600 to 1100 B.C.) During the Western Zhou to the Spring- Autamn period (1100 to 476 B.C.), fulltime veterinarians were already tubing animals with herbal decoctions. With this long standing herbal tradition with thousands of years of clinical experience, Traditional Chinese Herbal medicine is wonderfully suited to treat a wide range of medical conditions many of which have no effective treatment with Western drug therapy.Due to the influence of the Flexner report, which developed the impetus to standardize medical education with only a small percentage of the curriculum allowed for "alternative" modalities, our medical training is very limited with great bias against herbal traditional therapies. As Holistic practitioners, we have the ability to learn and use this powerful healing tool. Herbal Medicine is the perfect modality to blend into any clinical practice.



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