首页> 外文会议>International Conference of the System Dynamics Society >Is 'Paired Assistance Policy' reconstruction mode better than traditional mode? A simulation approach to understanding collaborative governance in post-Wenchuan Earthquake reconstruction

Is 'Paired Assistance Policy' reconstruction mode better than traditional mode? A simulation approach to understanding collaborative governance in post-Wenchuan Earthquake reconstruction

机译:是“配对辅助政策”重建模式优于传统模式? 一种了解汶川后地震重建协同治理的模拟方法



The recovery process following the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake in China took more than 10 years. Over this period, 41 severely damaged counties and county-level cities in Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces have exceeded their economic, social, ecological, and cultural status from before the earthquake hit. The Wenchuan Earthquake offers an illuminating case study for better understanding the dynamic collaborative governance in post-disaster reconstruction (Guo & Kapucu, 2015; Wang et al., 2020). The impacts of the Wenchuan Earthquake and the related lessons and experiences are expected to influence the way international practitioners deal with disaster reconstruction in the future.
机译:2008年汶川地震后的恢复过程超过10年。 在此期间,四川,陕西和甘肃省的41个严重受损的县和县级城市已超过地震袭击前的经济,社会,生态和文化地位。 汶川地震提供了一个照明案例研究,以便更好地了解灾后重建中的动态协作治理(Guo&Kapucu,2015; Wang等,2020)。 汶川地震和相关教训和经验的影响预计将影响未来国际从业者对灾害重建的影响。



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