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Mobile service for open data visualization on geo-based images




Since the early 2010s, governments in most countries have adopted and promoted open data policy and open data platform. Korea are in the same situation, and government and public organizations have operated the public-accessible open data portal systems since 2011. The number of open data and data type have been increasing every year. These trends are more expandable or extensible on mobile environments. The purpose of this study is to design and implement a mobile application service to visualize various typed or formatted public open data with geo-based images on the mobile web. Open data cover downloadable data sets or open-accessible data application programming interface API. Geo-based images mean multi-sensor satellite imageries which are referred in geo-coordinates and matched with digital map sets. System components for mobile service are fully based on open sources and open development environments without any commercialized tools: PostgreSQL for database management system, OTB for remote sensing image processing, GDAL for data conversion, GeoServer for application server, OpenLayers for mobile web mapping, R for data analysis and D3.js for web-based data graphic processing. Mobile application in client side was implemented by using HTML5 for cross browser and cross platform. The result shows many advantageous points such as linking open data and geo-based data, integrating open data and open source, and demonstrating mobile applications with open data. It is expected that this approach is cost effective and process efficient implementation strategy for intelligent earth observing data.



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