首页> 外文会议>Transportation Research Board Annual meeting >Comparing Fixed-Route and Demand-Responsive Feeder Transit Systems in Real-World Settings

Comparing Fixed-Route and Demand-Responsive Feeder Transit Systems in Real-World Settings




This research presents a method of comparing fixed-route transportation systems anddemand-responsive feeder transit systems using passenger survey data, published transitschedules, and optimal routing techniques. Demand-responsive transportation can be utilized toimprove transit service levels in low demand areas. Since cities can vary significantly in demandacross the region and time of day, it is imperative that an effective means of determing whendemand-responsive services can out perform fixed-route services and vice versa. This researchbuilds upon existing comparison techniques, that are focused on gridded street systems, andexpands the techniques to includes all types of street networks, transit schedules, and passengerdemand levels. The generic techniques are presented and a case study is given for the city ofAtlanta to determine where demand-responsive feeder systems might be implemented to improvecustomer satisfaction and reduce operating costs.
机译:这项研究提出了一种比较固定路线运输系统和 使用乘客调查数据的需求响应接驳运输系统,已发布的运输 日程安排和最佳路由技术。需求响应型运输可用于 提高低需求地区的过境服务水平。由于城市的需求差异很大 跨区域和一天中的时间,确定一种何时 需求响应服务可以胜过固定路由服务,反之亦然。这项研究 以现有比较技术为基础,这些技术主要针对网格化街道系统,并且 将技术扩展到包括所有类型的街道网络,公交时间表和乘客 需求水平。提出了通用技术,并给出了一个城市的案例研究。 亚特兰大确定在哪里可以实施需求响应式供料器系统以改善 客户满意并降低运营成本。



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