首页> 外文会议>2013 Taibah University International Conference on Advances in Information Technology for the Holy Quran and Its Sciences >Enhancing Computer Accessibility for Disabled Users: A Kinect-Based Approach for Users with Motor Skills Disorder

Enhancing Computer Accessibility for Disabled Users: A Kinect-Based Approach for Users with Motor Skills Disorder


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In this paper, we present an application as a solution to problems encountered when using PC's by users with motor skills impairment. This application utilizes the Microsoft Kinect Sensor and its Visual Studio SDK to write code that interacts with this novel device originally intended for gaming but now more and more popular with learning, multimedia and entertainment systems. Preliminary results from prototype testing show that the system is usable and has good potential. The intended initial domain of the application is teaching the Muslim holy book (Quran), although the ideas and application software can be adapted as a learning tool for students with disabilities in general.
机译:在本文中,我们提出了一种应用程序,以解决运动技能受损的用户在使用PC时遇到的问题。该应用程序利用Microsoft Kinect传感器及其Visual Studio SDK编写代码,该代码与最初用于游戏的新型设备进行交互,但现在在学习,多媒体和娱乐系统中越来越流行。原型测试的初步结果表明该系统可用且具有良好的潜力。该应用程序的预期初始领域是教授穆斯林圣书(古兰经),尽管这些思想和应用程序软件可以作为一般残疾学生的学习工具进行修改。



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