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METHOD endodontic treatment of permanent teeth in adolescents AND YOUNG PERSONS



Method endodontic treatment permanent teeth adolescent and young adults, characterized by the fact that is carried out by using dental volumetric imaging definition densitometric density of dental hard tissue in the apical part of the root along the longitudinal axis coinciding with the tooth axis, and along a transverse axis passing through the middle of the roots tooth and the diameter of the apical foramen, at a value less than the density of 1383.6 densitometric units. HU, and the diameter of the apical foramen over 0.66 mm, the root canal treatment tool carried passive taper no more than 06, and the irrigation is carried out 0.5% sodium hypochlorite solution, then the root canal is filled paste based on calcium hydroxide for one month, followed by closure apical foramen drug based on mineral trioksidagregata.
机译:牙髓治疗方法青春期和年轻成人恒牙的特征在于,通过使用牙体积成像定义在牙根尖部的牙硬组织的密度密度沿纵轴与齿轴重合并沿着穿过齿根中部的横轴和顶孔的直径,其值小于1383.6光密度单位的密度。 HU,且根尖孔的直径超过0.66 mm,根管治疗工具的被动锥度不超过06,并用0.5%次氯酸钠溶液冲洗,然后在根管中填充基于氢氧化钙的糊剂,用于1个月,然后关闭基于矿物trioksidagregata的根尖孔药物。



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