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Zoning and Planning


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The City adopts an amendment to its zoning ordinance that regulates gas well drilling and production activities. Depending upon the location of the well site, an oil and gas operator will apply to apply for either a rural, urban or high impact permit. High impact permits are required where the well is located within 600 feet from one of the listed "protected uses." Public parks are a protected use. A rural gas well permit is required where the well will be located on an open space trract of at least 25-acres and for which there is no protected use within 1000 feet. Urban well permits are required for all other locations. High impact permits may be obtaiined by getting permission of the City Council or by obtaining waiverrs from all protected use property owners within 600 feet of the proposed well site. In August 2007, Chesapeake files an urban well permit. Even though the ordinance seemingly requires a decision within 30 days, no such decision is made by the City zoning official. The ordinance provides that if no decision is reached within that period the permit is not to be deemed approved. The well site is located within 600 feet of the TrinityTrails which is a hike-and-bike path.
机译:纽约市通过了其分区条例的修正案,该条例规范了气井钻探和生产活动。根据井场的位置,石油和天然气经营者将申请农村,城市或高影响力许可证。如果井距所列“受保护的用途”之一在600英尺以内,则需要高冲击许可。公园是受保护的用途。如果气井位于至少25英亩的空旷地带,并且在1000英尺内没有任何保护用途,则需要农村气井许可证。所有其他位置都需要城市通行许可证。可以通过获得市议会的许可或从拟建井场600英尺内的所有受保护的使用财产所有者处获得豁免,来获得高影响力许可。 2007年8月,切萨皮克(Chesapeake)申请了城市钻井许可证。即使该法令似乎要求在30天内做出决定,但市分区官员仍未做出此决定。该法令规定,如果在此期间内未做出任何决定,则该许可不得视为已获批准。井场位于TrinityTrails的600英尺范围内,TrinityTrails是一条远足和自行车道。



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