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SCOP: a Structural Classification of Proteins database.


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The Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) database provides a detailed and comprehensive description of the relationships of all known proteins structures. The classification is on hierarchical levels: the first two levels, family and superfamily, describe near and far evolutionary relationships; the third, fold, describes geometrical relationships. The distinction between evolutionary relationships and those that arise from the physics and chemistry of proteins is a feature that is unique to this database, so far. The database can be used as a source of data to calibrate sequence search algorithms and for the generation of population statistics on protein structures. The database and its associated files are freely accessible from a number of WWW sites mirrored from URL http://scop. mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/scop/
机译:蛋白质结构分类(SCOP)数据库提供了所有已知蛋白质结构之间关系的详细全面描述。分类是在层次级别上进行的:前两个级别,家庭和超家庭,描述了近距离和远距离的进化关系;第三折表示几何关系。到目前为止,进化关系与蛋白质的物理和化学关系之间的区别是该数据库独有的功能。该数据库可用作校准序列搜索算法的数据源,并用于生成蛋白质结构的种群统计数据。可从URL http:// scop镜像的许多WWW网站上自由访问该数据库及其关联文件。 mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/scop/



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