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The genesis of new plants


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Sharp eyes, science, and a little luck produce gardenworthy specimens. Last spring, I planted seed of Cerinthe minor var. aurea 'Bouquet Gold', a promising annual reputed to be a first-time offering in 2001. I've since come to realize that, thanks tosuch a simple act, my garden and many others like it are poised at the very crest of the roiling, breaking wave of evolution. In a world where pollution, overpopulation, and the plundering of natural resources imperils the very existence of nearly a tenth of the world's known plant species, new garden plants appear every year. Where, I wondered, did these plants come from? I decided to find out. The answers, on the surface, were simple. Most new plants are selections, the result of sharp-eyed gardenerscapitalizing on a chance seedling with, say, unusually large flowers or more colorful foliage. Others are hybrids, the result of an accidental or intentional cross between two different but related plants.
机译:敏锐的眼神,科学和一点运气造就了具有园艺价值的标本。去年春天,我种下了Cerinthe小变种。 aurea'Bouquet Gold',一个有希望的年度,被誉为2001年的首次发行。从那时起,我逐渐意识到,由于这种简单的举动,我的花园和许多其他类似的植物都po立在花园的顶峰。翻滚,打破进化的浪潮。在一个污染,人口过多和自然资源被掠夺破坏了世界近十分之一的已知植物物种的生存的世界中,每年都会出现新的园林植物。我想知道这些植物是从哪里来的?我决定找出答案。从表面上看,答案很简单。多数新植物都是精选植物,是敏锐的园丁们在偶然的幼苗上撒上很多花的结果,例如异常大的花朵或更鲜艳的叶子。其他是杂种,是两种不同但相关的植物之间意外或有意杂交的结果。



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