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Late Cretaceous reactivation of the Norumbega fault zone, Maine: Evidence from apatite fission-track ages


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Apatite fission-track ages from opposite sides of the Norumbega fault zone in southern Maine reveal a significant Early Cretaceous time-temperature discontinuity across the structure. Ages west of the fault zone range from 113 to 89 Ma, while those to the east are significantly older, ranging from 159 to 140 Ma. Modeling of track length distributions reveals that at 120 Ma, an similar to55 degreesC difference in temperature existed between opposite sides of the fault zone currently exposed at the surface. This discontinuity is best explained by an episode of significant (to 2 km of net vertical separation) east-side-down vertical movement along the Norumbega fault zone in Late Cretaceous time. The modeling suggests contemporaneous cooling and that final movement along the fault zone occurred ca. 80 Ma. These results, when combined with earlier structural and thermochronological studies, suggest that faults mapped within the Norumbega fault zone were intermittently active from Middle Devonian to Late Cretaceous time, and that the structure is a fundamental zone of crustal weakness. The prolonged period of activity likely reflects stresses associated with late Paleozoic dextral transpression, early Mesozoic rifting associated with the initial opening of the North Atlantic Ocean basin, and processes associated with the late Mesozoic uplift and exhumation of the northern Appalachian orogen. [References: 25]
机译:缅因州南部Norumbega断层带相对两侧的磷灰石裂变径迹年龄揭示了整个结构中明显的早白垩世时间-温度间断。断层带以西的年龄范围为113至89 Ma,而东部的年龄则明显较大,范围为159至140 Ma。轨道长度分布的模型表明,在120 Ma处,当前暴露在地表的断层带的相对两侧之间存在相似于55摄氏度的温差。这种不连续性最好用白垩纪晚期沿努鲁姆贝加断裂带发生的一次显着的(垂直净间隔达2 km)东侧向下垂直运动来解释。该模型表明是同时冷却的,并且沿断层带的最终运动发生在大约2005年。 80毫安这些结果与早期的结构和热年代学研究相结合,表明在Norumbega断裂带内测绘的断层从中泥盆纪到白垩纪晚期是间歇性活动的,并且该结构是地壳薄弱的基本区域。活动的延长可能反映了与晚古生代右旋压抑有关的应力,与北大西洋海盆初始开放有关的中生代裂谷,以及与中生代晚期隆升和阿巴拉契亚北部造山带发掘有关的过程。 [参考:25]



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