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Postglacial history and paleoecology of Wampum,Manitoba,a former lagoon in the Lake Agassiz basin


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A small paleolagoon along the margin of the glacial Lake Agassiz basin near Wampum, Manitoba, 130 km southeast of Winnipeg, contains an unusually thick and continuous sequence of late-glacial and Holocene organic sediment. Cores at 17 sites through this sequence provide insight into the fluctuations of the level of Lake Agassiz, the timing of the construction of the lake's most extensive strandline (the Upper Campbell beach), and the paleoecology of this area during the past 10 000 ~(14)C yr. The history of this area is established from 26 new AMS radiocarbon dates, siliceous microfossils, plant macrofossils, mineralogy, sediment characteristics, and stratigraphic relationships.Following deglaciation at Wampum about 11 ~(14)C ka, deposition of largely unfossiliferous silty clay with occasional ice-rafted clasts represents relatively deep-water conditions in Lake Agassiz. Overlying this is a spatially and temporally variable mixture of silt, sand, peat, gyttja, and marl, containing an allochthonous assemblage of siliceous microfossils and plant macrofossils with a wide range of radiocabbon dates. These sediments were deposited in an embayment of Lake Agassiz, mainly in shallow, quiet waters, as the lake transgressed about 10 ka over the Moorhead low-water phase surface. Between about 9.7 and 9.3 ka, the Wampum embayment was progressively isolated from Lake Agassiz by growth of the Upper Campbell spit, resulting in the formation of a lagoon. Organic-rich deposits on the lakeward side of the lagoon were buried 9.3- 9.4 ka by sand gravel of the spit, and a thin overwash of sand marks this event throughout the lagoon. At about this time, Lake Agassiz fell below the Upper Campbell beach level. Subsequent accumulation at Wampum consists mainly of algal gyttja during the early Holocene and marl during the middle Holocene; only minor fluctuations in hydrological conditions occurred, except for slightly warmer and drier conditions between 6.2 and 4.0 ~(14)C ka. These stable, shallow-water conditions may be due partly to persistent groundwater contributions to the site. Progressive encroachment of rooted aquatics led to present-day fen conditions; peat accumulation across the basin began by about 4.0 ka.
机译:在温尼伯东南130公里的马尼托巴省Wampum附近的冰川Agassiz湖盆边缘,有一个小型古礁,其中含有异常厚且连续的晚冰川和全新世有机沉积物序列。通过这个序列,在17个地点的核心提供了有关Agassiz湖水位的波动,湖中最宽阔的链线(上坎贝尔海滩)的建造时间以及过去一万〜年间该地区的古生态学的见识。 14年该地区的历史是由26个新的AMS放射性碳年代,硅质微化石,植物大型化石,矿物学,沉积物特征和地层关系建立的。在Wampum约11〜(14)C ka进行冰消融化之后,大部分为非化石粉质粘土沉积,偶有沉积漂流的碎屑代表了阿加西兹湖的相对深水条件。覆盖在其上的是粉砂,沙子,泥炭,gyttja和泥灰岩的时空变化混合物,其中包含硅质微化石和植物大型化石的异质组合,具有各种放射性碳年代。这些沉积物沉积在Agassiz湖的一个小海湾中,主要是在浅水,安静的水中,因为该湖在Moorhead低水相表面上越过约10 ka。在约9.7至9.3 ka之间,通过上坎贝尔(Sample Campbell)唾液的生长,逐渐从阿加西兹湖(Wake Agassiz)隔离了Wampum沼泽,导致形成泻湖。泻湖湖侧富含有机物的沉积物被吐出的沙子砾石埋入9.3-9.4 ka,薄薄的沙粒过砂标志着整个泻湖都发生了这一事件。大约在这个时候,阿加西兹湖跌落至上坎贝尔海滩水平面以下。在Wampum的后续堆积主要由全新世初期的藻类gyttja和中期新世期间的泥灰岩组成。除了在6.2至4.0〜(14)C ka之间略微温暖和干燥的条件外,水文条件仅发生了很小的波动。这些稳定的浅水条件可能部分归因于持续的地下水对场地的贡献。生根水生生物的逐步侵袭导致当今的病;整个盆地的泥炭堆积始于约4.0 ka。



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