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With sensational blooms and varieties that thrive in borders, baskets and containers, penstemons are the stars of the late-summer garden. My first meeting with a penstemon was electrifying. It was 'Stapleford Gem', the flowers as translucent as opals in a cool fusion of blues, pinks and pearly white, and so startlingly beautiful that I can still see them, like a frozen moment in time. This was back in the late 80s, at the start of a boom in popularity that has taken penstemons from near obscurity to their current status as shining stars of summer and autumn. Quite right too. Just look at the value you get. Fantastic foxglove-like flowers in a huge range of colours, wiry stems that need no staking, a graceful airy habit and, best of all, a flowering period so generous it's amazing. June and July? No problem. August/September? Still going strong October? Fine. November? A possibility. These are the long distance runners of the plant world with a unique style and incredible stamina. One of the veryfinest of this athletic family is 'Andenken an Friedrich Hahn' - a name so ponderous that you'll usually find it under the snappier title 'Garnet'. A rich wine red, it's perfect for creating a sultry atmosphere. In a traditional mixed border, team it upwith a crimson-purple English rose such as 'William Shakespeare' and if you can wangle a purple-leaved cotinus into the background, so much the better. In a tropical bed, let it simmer along with dark-leaved cannas and the dramatic black-red foliage of the bright scarlet-flowered Dahlia 'Bishop of Llandaff'.
机译:蓬勃发展的花草和品种繁多的边界,篮子和容器中盛放的花草,成为了夏末花园的明星。我第一次见面会令人振奋。那是“ Stapleford Gem”,花朵像蛋白石一样半透明,融合了蓝色,粉红色和珍珠白的酷感,而且如此惊人的美丽,我仍然可以看到它们,就像冰冻的时光。这可以追溯到80年代后期,即流行的开始,使pen牙从近乎默默无闻地发展到现在作为夏季和秋季闪亮的星星的状态。也很正确。只是看看您获得的价值。梦幻般的毛地黄花,花色繁多,线茎无需打桩,有优雅的通风习惯,最重要的是,开花期如此慷慨,令人惊叹。六月和七月?没问题。八月九月?十月还在走强吗?精细。十一月?一个潜在可能。这些是植物界的长跑运动员,具有独特的风格和令人难以置信的耐力。这个运动家族中最出色的人之一是“安登肯·弗里德里希·哈恩”(Andenken an Friedried Hahn),这个名字很繁琐,以至于您通常会在俗称“ Garnet”下找到它。丰富的酒红色,非常适合营造闷热的气氛。在传统的混合边界中,将其与深红色紫色的英语玫瑰(例如“威廉莎士比亚”)搭配使用,如果您可以将紫色叶子的丁香缠绕到背景中,那就更好了。在热带床上,让它与深色叶子的美人鱼和明亮的猩红色的大丽花'Llandaff主教'的戏剧性的黑红色叶子一起。



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