首页> 外文期刊>International journal of nursing studies >A discussion paper about 'meaning' in the nursing literature on spirituality: an interpretation of meaning as 'ultimate concern' using the work of Paul Tillich.

A discussion paper about 'meaning' in the nursing literature on spirituality: an interpretation of meaning as 'ultimate concern' using the work of Paul Tillich.

机译:关于灵性的护理文献中有关“含义”的讨论文件:使用Paul Tillich的著作将含义解释为“最终关注”。

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Spirituality is often explained in the nursing literature as the patient's quest to find meaning in life and in their experiences. This is most often described in an unlimited and unconditional way defined by whatever interpretations the person places upon it. This opens it to a variety of understandings, some of which may be negative and unhelpful in terms of what we usually consider to be spiritual well being. This discussion paper attempts to look beyond the generality of this idea to examine whether our concept of having meaning, if used in terms of spirituality, should be conditional on meanings which are actually to do with the depth of our being and not meanings which only give pleasure and satisfaction. The paper attempts to do this in two ways. First it explores the beliefs of Victor Frankl to ask the question whether having meaning alone is sufficient to provide spiritual comfort or whether the content of the particular beliefs associated with meaning, may matter. Frankl is often used as a source for the idea of spirituality being to do with meaning and in this paper Frankl's thought is explored in detail to see his own underlying beliefs which helped in his life experiences. Secondly, an understanding of 'meaning' as being conditioned by something "ultimate" described by Paul Tillich is explored. This would give nursing a more structured and purposeful approach to using the term 'meaning' in relation to spiritual care and in addition it would open up a way forward in terms of researching which particular meanings might be most helpful in illness and adversity.
机译:精神常在护理文献中解释为患者寻求在生活和经验中寻找意义的追求。这通常以无限制和无条件的方式来描述,该方式由该人对其进行的任何解释来定义。这打开了对各种理解的理解,就我们通常认为属灵的福祉而言,其中一些理解可能是消极的和无助的。这篇讨论论文试图超越这种观念的普遍性,以检验我们的具有意义的概念(如果用于灵性方面)是否应该以实际上与我们存在的深度有关的意义为条件,而不是仅仅给与快乐和满足。本文试图通过两种方式来做到这一点。首先,它探讨了维克多·弗兰克(Victor Frankl)的信仰,提出这样一个问题:仅具有意义是否足以提供精神安慰,或者与意义相关的特定信仰的内容是否可能重要。弗兰克经常被用作与意义有关的灵性观念的来源,在本文中,对弗兰克的思想进行了详细探讨,以了解他自己的内在信念对他的生活经历有帮助。其次,探索对“意义”的理解是由保罗·蒂利希(Paul Tillich)所描述的“终极”决定的。这将为护理人员提供一种更结构化,更有目的的方法,以在精神护理中使用“含义”一词,此外,它将为研究哪些特定含义在疾病和逆境中最有帮助的方法开辟一条前进的道路。



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