首页> 外文期刊>journal of chemical physics >Fluorescence Spectra of Some Retinyl Polyenes

Fluorescence Spectra of Some Retinyl Polyenes

机译:Fluorescence Spectra of Some Retinyl Polyenes



The fluorescence and absorption spectra of two series of retinyl1polyenes have been measured. One series consists of the retinylndash;carbon moiety with different end groups, these being the alcohol, acetate, acid, oxime, and methylhyphen;amine. The second group comprises thetrans, 11hyphen;cis, 13hyphen;cis, and 9hyphen;cisstereoisomers of retinol (vitamin A). The spectra of the first series have been measured at room temperature and 77deg;K in both hydrocarbon and methanol solvents. The acetate and acid have also been studied as crystals. The relative shapes and the degree of overlap of the absorption and fluorescence spectra are discussed in terms of simple potentialhyphen;energy diagrams. It is shown that the bands are severely Franckndash;Condon forbidden on two counts; first, by virtue of the bond alternation in the ground state that leads to a gross change in geometry of the nuclear framework on excitation, and second, from steric hindrance that occurs at various points in the retinylndash;carbon framework. The spectra reported here show how an end group or a bend in the chain can affect the nature of the vibrational envelope. The effect of an environment is shown to be particularly pronounced upon Franckndash;Condon forbidden bands. The quantum yields of fluorescence at room temperature have been determined for thetrans, 11hyphen;cis, 13hyphen;cis, and 9hyphen;cisretinols, andtranshyphen;retinyl acetate. The yields at room temperature are given in both hydrocarbon and polar solvents. The intensity of the fluorescence as a function of temperature has been estimated in some cases. Fluorescence could not be detected from retinyl acid and retinylidene methylamine at room temperature. The emission yield is shown to be correlated with the relative shapes of the groundhyphen; and excitedhyphen;state potentialhyphen;energy surfaces. It is suggested that vibrational relaxation in the excited state is the major process deactivating excited polyenes in fluid solution. The efficiency of this deactivating process is much reduced by increasing the viscosity of the environment. This process may be of great significance when polyenes are employed in photobiology. The radiative lifetime oftranshyphen;retinol in methanol calculated from the data is 2.35 nsec.




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