首页> 外文期刊>The Astronomical journal >Structure in the neutral hydrogen disk of the spiral galaxy IC 342

Structure in the neutral hydrogen disk of the spiral galaxy IC 342

机译:Structure in the neutral hydrogen disk of the spiral galaxy IC 342

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We present 38 " resolution Very Large Array 21 cm continuum and H I line emission observations of the spiral galaxy IC 342, at an adopted distance of 2 Mpc. Kinematic evidence exists for a m = 2 spiral density wave in the inner disk with a corotation radius located at 4 kpc and a possible four-arm pattern in the outer disk. On smaller scales, outside of the central depression in H I column density, H I is organized into a complex pattern of relatively short (similar to 2-5 kpc), interconnected, spiral arm segments. Numerous "holes" are distributed throughout the H I disk. By considering the effects of shear, structures that are not self-gravitating, such as holes and voids, cannot be long-term phenomena. The timescale, combined with the total energy required to evacuate holes, leads us to reject wind and supernovae origins for the large-scale pattern of H I holes in IC 342. Gravitational instabilities in the disk form on a timescale that is short compared with the rotation period of the disk. The pattern of H I spiral arm segments exists on a scale that is consistent with their being material arms that result from gravitational instabilities. The H I cavities are a natural remnant of the process. References: 46




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