首页> 外文期刊>Industrial Lubrication and Tribology >Frictional performance of semimetal brake lining for automobiles

Frictional performance of semimetal brake lining for automobiles


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to find the variations of brake lining's frictional performance with braking conditions, and their influence on the braking safety and reliability of automobiles. Design/methodology/approach - As the semimetal brake lining is widely used currently in automobiles, it was selected as the experimental material. By simulating the braking conditions and environment of automobiles, some tribological experiments of the brake lining were investigated on the X-DM friction tester, when it is paired with the friction disc made of gray cast iron. The influence of braking pressure, sliding velocity and surface temperature on the friction coefficient and its stability coefficient were studied in depth through experiments. Findings - The friction coefficient decreases gradually with the increasing of braking pressure and sliding velocity when the surface temperature is naturally rising. It rises first then falls with the surface temperature rising and the maximal value appears at nearly 200℃. The stability of friction coefficient decreases obviously when the sliding velocity exceeds 30 m/s, the braking pressure exceeds 1.8 MPa and the surface temperature is over 200℃. Based on the experimental results, the authors consider that it is not reliable to execute an emergency braking only by rising the braking pressure when the automobile is driving with a high velocity. In order to reduce the bad influence of high temperature on frictional performance, some effective actions should be taken for cooling the friction disc. What is more, special attention should be paid to the decreasing of frictional stability during the braking with high velocity, pressure and temperature. Originality/value - This paper studies the influence of braking conditions on friction coefficient and its stability of the semimetal brake lining for automobiles. It is believed that this research may have some actual guidance for enhancing the braking safety and reliability of automobiles.
机译:目的-本文的目的是发现制动衬片的摩擦性能随制动条件的变化,以及它们对汽车制动安全性和可靠性的影响。设计/方法/方法-由于半金属制动衬片目前在汽车中广泛使用,因此被选作实验材料。通过模拟汽车的制动条件和环境,在X-DM摩擦测试仪与灰铸铁制成的摩擦片配对时,对制动衬片进行了一些摩擦学实验。通过实验深入研究了制动压力,滑动速度和表面温度对摩擦系数及其稳定性系数的影响。发现-当表面温度自然上升时,摩擦系数随着制动压力和滑动速度的增加而逐渐减小。随着表面温度的升高,它先上升然后下降,最大值出现在近200℃。当滑动速度超过30 m / s,制动压力超过1.8 MPa,表面温度超过200℃时,摩擦系数的稳定性明显下降。基于实验结果,作者认为仅在汽车高速行驶时仅通过提高制动压力来执行紧急制动是不可靠的。为了减少高温对摩擦性能的不利影响,应采取一些有效措施来冷却摩擦盘。此外,在高速度,高压力和高温度的制动过程中,应特别注意降低摩擦稳定性。创意/价值-本文研究了制动条件对汽车半金属制动衬片的摩擦系数及其稳定性的影响。可以认为,这项研究对于提高汽车的制动安全性和可靠性可能有一些实际指导。



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