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Hatched, Matched, Dispatched


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Mercedes has reinvented the A-class to go head to head with Audi's new A3 and the BMW 1-series. Andrew Frankel finds out who now makes the best premium hatch. The northernmost tip of Denmark in October is a cold, wind-blasted place. Pretty but desolate, it's not where you'd choose to holiday at this time of year. All the resorts have boarded up their windows and hunkered down to sit out the long, harsh Scandinavian winter. Which is what makes it the perfect environment for road testers with questions to answer. It's taken a thousand miles in a BMW 118d to get here, but it's been worth it. The challenge is to take on the brand-new Audi A3 and Mercedes A-class, the aim to name the best premium hatchback on sale.
机译:梅赛德斯(Mercedes)重塑了A级车,使其与奥迪(Audi)的新A3和宝马1系并驾齐驱。安德鲁·弗兰克尔(Andrew Frankel)找出谁现在做得最好。十月的丹麦最北端是一个寒冷,被风吹袭的地方。漂亮却荒凉,不是一年中这个时候选择度假的地方。所有度假村都登上窗户,弯腰坐下来,度过了漫长而艰难的斯堪的纳维亚冬天。这就是使道路测试人员有待回答的理想环境的原因。宝马118d到达这里花了一千英里,但这是值得的。面临的挑战是采用全新的奥迪A3和梅赛德斯A级,目的是命名销售中最优质的掀背车。



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