首页> 外文期刊>Vulcan: the International Journal of the Social History of Military Technology >Neither Catapults nor Atomic Bombs Technological Determinism and Military History from a Post-Industrial Revolution Perspective

Neither Catapults nor Atomic Bombs Technological Determinism and Military History from a Post-Industrial Revolution Perspective

机译:Neither Catapults nor Atomic Bombs Technological Determinism and Military History from a Post-Industrial Revolution Perspective

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Kelly Devries in "Catapults are not atomic bombs"-and in fact, of almost all of those who have joined the fray to, once and for all, kill off simplistic technological determinism-may have thrown out the baby with the bathwater. One aspect linking most of these anti-determinists is their temporal focus which is almost exclusively on pre-industrial revolutions in military technology. Furthermore, their views of the importance (or more accurately, the lack thereof) of technology in war is one that has ceased to apply to the world since the mid-nineteenth century. Technological determinism is not a disease of bad historical writing, but something that must be carefully applied in studying the technological systems of armed forces, regardless of time periods or geographic locations. We need to apply a definition of determinacy related to the systems theory that French writer Jacques Ellul proposed in The Technological Society. Here examples of military systems since the Industrial Revolution are covered and then this systems approach is applied to the pre-modern period. The approach moves us away from the radical assumptions of earlier determinists to show that technology is determinant, but only one of the many determinant factors that influence battles, campaigns, and wars. The study of military technology is central to any study of war, and we must not be afraid to move beyond a merely descriptive approach that appears to be promoted by the anti-determinists.




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