首页> 外文期刊>Monatshefte fur Chemie >Cu2O(SO4), dolerophanite: Refinement of the crystal structure, with a comparison of O Cu(II)4 tetrahedra in inorganic compounds

Cu2O(SO4), dolerophanite: Refinement of the crystal structure, with a comparison of O Cu(II)4 tetrahedra in inorganic compounds

机译:Cu2O(SO4), dolerophanite: Refinement of the crystal structure, with a comparison of O Cu(II)4 tetrahedra in inorganic compounds



The refinement of the crystal structure of Cu2O(SO4), dolerophanite, a=9.370 (1) Å,b=6.319 (1) Å,c=7.639 (1) Å, β=122.34 (1)°; space group C 2/m;Z=4;R=0.035 confirmed the trigonal dipyramidal coordination of one Cu(II) atom (mean distance Cu-O=2.025 Å). One O atom is tetrahedrally surrounded by four Cu(II) atoms; the mean Cu(II)-O distance of 1.918 Å compares well to O Cu(II)4 tetrahedra found in inorganic crystal stru




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