首页> 外文期刊>Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience >Sign Tracking in an Enriched Environment: A Potential Ecologically Relevant Animal Model of Adaptive Behavior Change

Sign Tracking in an Enriched Environment: A Potential Ecologically Relevant Animal Model of Adaptive Behavior Change

机译:Sign Tracking in an Enriched Environment: A Potential Ecologically Relevant Animal Model of Adaptive Behavior Change

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When an object conditioned stimulus (CS) is paired with a food unconditioned stimulus (US), anticipatory goal-directed action directed at the US location (goal tracking) is accompanied by behavior directed at the object CS (sign tracking). Sign-tracking behavior appears to be compulsive and habit-like and predicts increased vulnerability to the addictive potential of drugs in animal models. A large body of the literature also suggests that environmental enrichment protects against the development of addiction-prone phenotypes. Thus, we investigated whether compulsive-like sign tracking develops in environmentally enriched rats trained directly in their enriched home environment. We demonstrate that adolescent enriched-housed male Sprague-Dawley rats readily sign track a 5% ethanol bottle CS in their home environment and at a rate higher than adolescent standard-housed rats. We also show that enriched adolescent rats sign track less than enriched adult-trained rats and that acute isolation stress affects sign- and goal-tracking performance of adolescents and adults differently. Sign tracking increased more in the adult than the adolescent rats. Whereas the younger rats showed a decrease in goal tacking after the final stressor manipulation, the adults showed increased goal tracking. Our results are consistent with recent studies, which suggest that although sign tracking performance is compulsive-like, it is not as inflexible and habit-like as previously assumed. Testing in an enriched home environment with object CSs having greater affordance than "neutral" lever CSs may provide greater ecological relevance for investigating the development and expression of adaptive and compulsive-like behaviors in translational research.




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