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Experimental incineration of low level radioactive samples.


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To determine the volume reduction potential for incineration of radioactivity in low-level radioactive waste, an incineration experiment was performed at the Okayama University Radioisotope Center (OURIC). Solid low-level radioactive samples (LLRS) were prepared for 15 routinely used radionuclides (45Ca, 1251, 32p, 33p, 35S, 59Fe, 123I, 131I, 67Ga, 99mTc, 111In, 3H, 14C, 51Cr, and 201Tl). For each radionuclide, incinerated one at a time, the smoke duct radioisotope concentration was less than 1/10 of the regulatory concentration limit (The Japanese law concerning prevention of radiation hazard due to radioisotopes, etc.). The radionuclide-containing combustible and semi-combustible LLRS were incinerated at the AP-1 50R furnace erected at OURIC, and the distribution of radioactivity inside and outside the furnace was measured. In the experimental incineration of LLRS containing these 15 radionuclides, the fractions released (RF) in the gas phase of the final smoke duct ranged from 0.165 to 0.99. The radioactivities remaining in the incineration residue were 99mTc, 87%; 59Fe, 83.1%; 45Ca, 75%; 51Cr, 62.1%; 33P, 62.0%; 32P, 61.1%; 67Ga, 57.7%; 35S, 26.0%; 111In, 21.1%; 201Tl, 16.6%; 123I, 11.9%; 131I, 8.2%; 125I, 2.4%; 14C, 0.39%; 3H, 0.04%. In the incineration of LLR S containing 35S, the rate of adhesion to the furnace wall was lower at high-temperature (809 degrees C) incineration than at low-temperature (376 degrees C) incineration. For LLRS containing one of the three radioiodines, 123I, 125I, or 131I, no such difference was observed between low (372 degrees C) and high (827 degrees C) temperature incineration (RF varied from 0.82 to 0.94).
机译:确定体积减少的潜力在低级放射性焚烧放射性废物焚烧试验日本冈山大学进行放射性同位素中心(OURIC)。样品(llr)准备15例行使用放射性核素(45 ca, 1251年,32 p, 33 p, 35岁,59菲,123,131,67,99矿渣mtc, 111年,3 h, 14 c,51 cr, 201 tl)。焚烧一次,烟管放射性同位素浓度低于1/10监管浓度极限(日本有关预防辐射危害放射性同位素,等等)。radionuclide-containing可燃和semi-combustible llr焚烧的在OURIC AP-1 50 r炉了,放射性内外的分布炉测定。焚烧llr包含这些15放射性核素,分数(RF)发布最终烟管的气相从0.165到0.99。焚烧残渣99矿渣mtc, 87%;83.1%;61.1%;201 tl, 16.6%;2.4%;LLR包含35个年代的粘附率炉墙在高温低(809摄氏度)比在焚烧低温(376摄氏度)焚烧。llr包含三个放射碘之一,123, 125,或131,我没有这样的区别观察低(372摄氏度)和高之间的关系温度焚烧(RF(827摄氏度)变化从0.82到0.94)。



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