首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Neuro-Oncology. >Implementation of molecular markers in glioma histology reporting: A survey

Implementation of molecular markers in glioma histology reporting: A survey


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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to judge the extent of implementation of the Indian Society of Neuro-Oncology (ISNO) guidelines fdr the incorporation of molecular markers in glioma histopathological reporting. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted electronically. A form was created on Google Forms and the link was shared on E-mail and WhatsApp to members of the Neurological Society of India and ISNO. Results: One hundred doctors replied to the questionnaire, and the majority worked in large tertiary care hospitals in big cities. However, practitioners from smaller tier 2 and tier 3 cities also participated. Sixty-eight percent of those who responded were neurosurgeons and more than two-thirds of all respondents had a specific interest in neuro-oncology. More than 90% thought that molecular markers added value to histopathology alone, but a much smaller number (12%) had the infrastructure to test all the markers. Only 10% relied on histopathology exclusively, without performing any molecular tests. Lack of adequate infrastructure and the additional cost that was usually borne by the patient were the two largest roadblocks in its wider acceptance. There was also an overwhelming majority of clinicians who thought that the current pathology reports should change and indicate not only the tumor type but include active pathways and suggest the best options for treatment. Conclusion: In spite of the roadblocks, there has been a fair amount of success in clinicians successfully testing for molecular markers in gliomas. As testing becomes more specific and sensitive and treatment becomes targets to specific molecular pathways, analysis of molecular pathways will become integral to glioma histopathology.



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