首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Stored Products Research >Maintaining dryness during storage contributes to higher maize seed quality

Maintaining dryness during storage contributes to higher maize seed quality


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Smallholder farmers in Pakistan store their seeds and grains in porous polypropylene (woven) and jute bags or in bulk. Seed stored in these containers is susceptible to fluctuating seasonal relative humidity and temperature, which promote mold and insect growth. The present study assessed the performance of Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS) bags for maize seed storage during a two-month period. Seed moisture content increased in polypropylene bags while it remained constant in PICS bags. No change in germination was observed in maize seeds stored in PICS bags while in polypropylene bags it was reduced in half when compared to the initial germination. Seed stored in polypropylene bags had higher insect damage with a weight loss of 35% while in PICS bags the infestation was minimal with a weight loss of about 3%. Higher aflatoxin contamination levels were observed in seeds stored in polypropylene than PICS bags. PICS bags are effective at preserving the dryness of maize seed in storage during high relative humidity conditions, which leads to maintenance of seed quality. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:巴基斯坦的小农将种子和谷物储存在多孔聚丙烯(编织)和黄麻袋中或散装。储存在这些容器中的种子容易受到季节性相对湿度和温度波动的影响,从而促进霉菌和昆虫的生长。本研究评估了普渡大学改良作物贮藏袋(PICS)在两个月内用于玉米种子贮藏的性能。聚丙烯袋中的种子含水量增加,而PICS袋中的种子含水量保持不变。在PICS袋中储存的玉米种子中未观察到发芽率的变化,而在聚丙烯袋中,与初始发芽率相比,发芽率降低了一半。储存在聚丙烯袋中的种子虫害较高,减重35%,而在PICS袋中,虫害最小,减重约3%。与PICS袋相比,在聚丙烯中储存的种子中观察到较高的黄曲霉毒素污染水平。PICS袋在高相对湿度条件下有效地保持玉米种子的干燥,从而保持种子质量。(C) 2017爱思唯尔有限公司版权所有。



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