首页> 外文期刊>Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems >Practices of food autonomy in the nasa indigenous cosmovision in Colombia

Practices of food autonomy in the nasa indigenous cosmovision in Colombia


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Food autonomy is thecollective human right to independently control their food process according to its traditions, practices, customs, needs, and strategic perspectives in harmony with other human groups, the environment, and future generations. Today, it is seriously under threat by the unbridled development model.Objective. Describe the practices of food autonomy in the indigenous cosmovision of the Nasa people in Colombia.Method. Qualitative research with a descriptive focus. In total, 26 members of the Indigenous Reservation of Rionegro-Huila aged over 14 years voluntarily participated in the research in discussion groups and in-depth interviews.Results and conclusions. Food autonomy practices in the cosmovision of the Nasa people are related to fundamental aspects: spiritual harmony derived from harmonious relationships between people, the earth, the environment, and deities; the characteristics of seeds, cycles, planting methods, and theTul; and communal work methods such asMingaand barter, which come together as acts of resistance against the capitalist model.



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