首页> 外文期刊>Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry >Effect of thermostatic expansion valve tuning on the performance enhancement and environmental impact of a mobile air conditioning system

Effect of thermostatic expansion valve tuning on the performance enhancement and environmental impact of a mobile air conditioning system


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In this work, the performance enhancement of a HFO-1234yf mobile air conditioning (MAC) system with a suction/liquid line heat exchanger (SLHX) was carried out experimentally by tuning the thermostatic (constant superheat) expansion valve (TXV) and its impact on the environment was also evaluated. The optimum charge of HFO-1234yf and HFC-134a systems was found to be 670 g and 740 g, respectively. The results showed that the HFO-1234yf system with SLHX had better coefficient of performance (COP) and exergy efficiency when compared to HFC-134a system with SLHX at idling condition, whereas it had reduced performance at other speed conditions. The tuning of the TXV in the HFO-1234yf system had a positive influence on the COP, cooling capacity, and exergy efficiency and those were higher than that of existing HFC-134a system by 4.3-8.6%, 6.5-10.1%, and 3.7-5.1%, respectively, at idling and city speed conditions, whereas those were slightly lower at high-speed conditions. The total CO(2)equivalent emission of tuned and un-tuned HFO-1234yf system was 27.98% and 24.64% lower than that of the existing HFC-134a system. The outcome of this study indicated that the SLHX implementation in the HFO-1234yf MAC system with tuned TXV could be a possible option to replace HFC-134a.
机译:在这项工作中,通过调节恒温(恒定过热度)膨胀阀(TXV),对HFO-1234yf移动式空调(MAC)系统进行了性能增强实验,并评估了其对环境的影响。HFO-1234yf和HFC-134a系统的最佳装料量分别为670g和740g。结果表明,在怠速工况下,与配备SLHX的HFC-134a系统相比,配备SLHX的HFO-1234yf系统具有更好的性能系数(COP)和(火用)效率,而在其他转速工况下性能有所降低。HFO-1234yf系统中热膨胀阀的调整对COP、冷却能力和火用效率有积极影响,在怠速和城市速度条件下,热膨胀阀分别比现有HFC-134a系统高出4.3-8.6%、6.5-10.1%和3.7-5.1%,而在高速条件下则略低。调谐和未调谐HFO-1234yf系统的总CO(2)当量排放分别比现有HFC-134a系统低27.98%和24.64%。这项研究的结果表明,在HFO-1234yf MAC系统中使用SLHX和调谐的TXV可以替代HFC-134a。



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