首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurophysiology >Configuration and dynamics of dominant inspiratory multineuronal activity patterns during eupnea and gasping generation in vitro

Configuration and dynamics of dominant inspiratory multineuronal activity patterns during eupnea and gasping generation in vitro


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The pre-Botzinger complex (preBotC), located within the ventral respiratory column, produces inspiratory bursts in varying degrees of synchronization/amplitude. This wide range of population burst patterns reflects the flexibility of the preBotC neurons, which is expressed in variations in the onset/offset times of their activations and their activity during the population bursts, with respiratory neurons exhibiting a large cycle-to-cycle timing jitter both at the population activity onset and at the population activity peak, suggesting that respiratory neurons are stochastically activated before and during the inspiratory bursts. However, it is still unknown whether this stochasticity is maintained while evaluating the coactivity of respiratory neuronal ensembles. Moreover, the preBotC topology also remains unknown. In this study, by simultaneously recording tens of preBotC neurons and using coactivation analysis during the inspiratory periods, we found that the preBotC has a scale-free configuration (mixture of not many highly connected nodes, hubs, with abundant poorly connected elements) exhibiting the rich-club phenomenon (hubs more likely interconnected with each other). preBotC neurons also produce multineuronal activity patterns (MAPs) that are highly stable and change during the hypoxia-induced reconfiguration. Moreover, preBotC contains a coactivating core network shared by all its MAPs. Finally, we found a distinctive pattern of sequential coactivation of core network neurons at the beginning of the inspiratory periods, indicating that, when evaluated at the multicellular level, the coactivation of respiratory neurons seems not to be stochastic.



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