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Nowhere to hide


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It was the perfect place to film the daily lives of these gentle giants, but when you get close to gorillas, they can also get close to you. With a civil war still smouldering in Brazzaville, the only safe route into the northern Congo was via Cameroon, involving a charter flight and a three-hour boat journey in a giant, 12-metre canoe. As the voices of the customs officials faded into the distance, the sights and sounds of the forest either side of the river drew me in. I was already in gorilla country, but it would be another day's travel by truck, canoe and on foot before I was likely to get my first glimpse. Tired and sweaty, I reached Mbeli camp - four small huts and a tent in a tennis-court-sized clearing in the forest of Nooabale-Ndoki National Park, where I met gorilla scientists Richard Parnell and Dave Morgan. That evening, as we ate under a ceiling of stars, we heard the pant hoots of chim-panzees just a few hundred metres away. The hairs stood up on the back of my neck, and my excitement grew. The next morning, we headed out along a well-trodden elephant path. It was cool and fairly dark under the canopy~of leaves. I caught brief glimpses of a few birds flitting through the shadows. A flock of guinea fowl hurriedly crossed the path ahead. I kept alert, hoping to catch sight of last night's chimpanzees, or perhaps something bigger. I had already asked several field scientists what to do if I met a gorilla on foot. The chances were that it would hear me first and slink off unnoticed.But if I heard an alarm bark nearby, I was supposed to stop and give the animal time to leave. If a gorilla actually charged me, I was told to stay stock still, even if it came within a few feet. When it backed off, that was my cue to squat down, showingI posed no threat, and pretend to eat some leaves. Repeat charges are common and have been known to continue for several hours. In her book Gorillas in the Mist, Dian Fossey conveys just how frightening this is when she tells of new students having to return to camp to change their underwear after just such an experience. Full-on attacks are extremely rare, but not unheard of. Dave was recently charged and attacked by a silverback (a mature male) when returning to camp. Despite following the recommended procedure, he was bitten and beaten. Dave, who still works in the forest, put it down to the silverback having a bad day.
机译:这是拍摄这些温柔巨人日常生活的理想场所,但是当您靠近大猩猩时,它们也可以靠近您。由于内战仍在布拉柴维尔闷烧,进入刚果北部的唯一安全路线是经喀麦隆,包括包机飞行和在12米长的独木舟中乘船3小时。随着海关官员的声音逐渐消失,河两岸森林的景象和声音吸引了我。我已经在大猩猩的乡村,但这将是乘卡车,独木舟和徒步旅行的第二天我很可能会第一眼看到。疲惫而又出汗的我到达了姆贝利(Mbeli)营地-在Nooabale-Ndoki国家公园森林里一个网球场大小的空地中的四个小木屋和一个帐篷,在那里我遇到了大猩猩科学家Richard Parnell和Dave Morgan。那天晚上,当我们在星空下吃饭时,我们听到了几百米外的黑猩猩的气息。头发竖立在我的脖子后面,我的兴奋越来越强烈。第二天早上,我们沿着一条破烂不堪的大象小径前进。在树冠下凉爽而黑暗。我瞥见了几只鸟飞过阴影。一群珍珠鸡匆匆过了前面的路。我保持警觉,希望能看到昨晚的黑猩猩或更大的黑猩猩。我已经问过几位野外科学家,如果我遇到大猩猩,该怎么办。很有可能它会首先听到我的声音,然后不为人所知就眨了眨眼,但是如果我听到附近有一个警报叫声,那我应该停下来让动物有时间离开。如果大猩猩确实向我收费,即使它在几英尺之内,我也被告知要保持静止。当它退后时,这就是我蹲下来的提示,表明我没有构成威胁,并假装吃了一些叶子。重复收费很常见,并且已知会持续几个小时。狄安·佛西(Dian Fossey)在她的《迷雾中的大猩猩》一书中传达了这样的恐惧,当她告诉新来的学生在经历了这样的经历后不得不返回营地更换内衣时。全面攻击极为罕见,但并非闻所未闻。戴夫(Dave)最近返回营地时,遭到了银背(成年男性)的袭击并遭到袭击。尽管遵循推荐的程序,但他还是被人咬伤和殴打。仍然在森林里工作的戴夫(Dave)将其归咎于银背犬,日子不好过。



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