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Multidisciplinary Approach to Complicated Pregnancy


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A nulliparous pregnant woman in her mid-20s and in the 32nd week of gestation presented to the emergency department with severe headache and vomiting. She had an uneventful medical history; however, the physical examination upon hospital admission revealed a hypertensive emergency, papilledema, and 2+ dipstick proteinuria. Upon establishing the diagnosis of preeclampsia, aggressive therapy with corticosteroids, antihypertensive medication, and seizure prophylaxis was initiated. Hemodynamic stability was achieved within 24 hours and the patient remained in the observation unit located within the gynecology clinic. On the ninth day postadmission, however, her condition abruptly deteriorated and advanced to imminent eclampsia, accompanied by transient vision loss, altered mental status, and acute hypertensive crisis. After the patient underwent successful emergent delivery via caesarean section, a laboratory workup revealed hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count, suggesting HELLP syndrome, a serious complication of eclampsia. This patient concurrently developed posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome, which was confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging and acute respiratory distress syndrome (the latter presented with diffuse bilateral infiltrates on x-ray and developing pulmonary edema in the absence of cardiac etiology). Because of these life-threatening dynamics, the patient was transferred to the intensive care unit for further treatment. This case is a rare cascade of life-threatening complications that developed in a patient and required skillful multidisciplinary decision making and experienced management within an acute critical care setting. The final outcome of the treatment and intensive care was successful because both the patient and child survived and had no chronic or debilitating sequelae.
机译:在20多岁的妊娠和第32周的妊娠中归结为急诊肿瘤,令人严重的头痛和呕吐。她有一个平坦的病史;然而,医院入院的体检揭示了一种高血压的急诊症,乳头肿瘤和2+二斯蒂氏蛋白尿。在建立先兆子痫的诊断后,启动了皮质类固醇,抗高血压药物和癫痫发作的侵袭性治疗。 24小时内达到血流动力学稳定性,患者留在位于妇科诊所内的观察单元中。然而,在第九天延期,她的病情突然恶化,提前到即将发生的异国普利坦斯,伴有瞬态视力丧失,改变精神状态和急性高血压危机。经过剖腹产经历成功的紧急递送后,实验室综合揭示了溶血,肝酶升高,血小板计数低,表明Hellp综合征,是对异国普拉明症的严重并发症。该患者同时发生了后逆转脑病综合征,其被磁共振成像和急性呼吸窘迫综合征证实(后者在X射线上呈现X射线和发育肺水肿的弥漫性双侧浸润)。由于这些危及生命的动力学,患者被转移到重症监护室以进行进一步处理。这种情况是一种罕见的危及生命危及生命并发症的级联,在患者中开发,并且在急性关键护理环境中需要熟练的多学科决策和经验丰富的管理。治疗和密集护理的最终结果是成功的,因为患者和儿童均存活,没有慢性或衰弱的后遗症。



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